Did you OVERindulge during the holidays?
Let me tell you that long before New Year's Eve hit, we couldn't look at anymore rich food! The season started with Luca's 4th birthday and do you know what he picked out for the family dinner? Two lobsters, four Dungeness crabs, two pounds of shrimp, mussels & clams (and a partridge in a pear tree!)! That was December 6th and it was all downhill from there! I know that every year we all try to make our New Year's Resolutions to eat better, lose weight, exercise, blah, blah, blah! It is the same every year! If you could compromise, by eating better without sacrificing taste, exercising at your convenience or drinking without the guilt, would that be so bad?It is now way past January 1st and you have already gone back to your old ways!
Here are a few tips to get you back on track!
- Yoga. This is an easy way to start an exercise practice that you can continue your entire lifetime. Tony is my favorite Yogi. My Mom started Yoga at 54 years old!
- Spine Health. Go to the chiropractor. I had nerve pain that I was living with-who wants to hurt?
- Walk. Sometimes that is the only exercise you have time for. Take the stairs, park in the back parking lot, but walk!
- Buy local and organic, if you can. Especially fruits and vegetables. They smell AND taste like the real thing!
- Laugh. A good laugh (and sometimes a good cry!) does wonders for the soul! It can make a really bad day seem much better!
- Love. Your mate, your kids, your friends, your dog, your job! Life is too short not to be in love! Don't you feel better already!!??